القائمة إغلاق

Yemen’s medical sector slams Saudi oil ships piracy

Yemen’s medical sector slams Saudi oil ships piracy

Hundreds of medical workers have gathered in front of the United Nations’ office in the capital Sana’a.

They denounced the international community for turning a blind eye on the continued seizure of oil ships by the Saudi-led coalition which has put the war-torn country to a severe fuel crisis.

The ministry of health said over 1500 medical facilities including dialysis centers are on the verge of total shut down due to the lack of fuel.

The ministry has urged the international community to step in and pressure the Saudi-led coalition to release the seized oil tankers.

The United Nations says the Saudi war on Yemen along with the years-long blockade has driven the country into the world’s worst humanitarian crisis.

Thousands of patients, including children, may lose their lives within days unless the international community breaks its silence and pressure Saudi Arabia to release the illegally detained oil vessels.





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